Here is our Documentary of our findings so far pulled together. It looks at the History of Teenage Romantic Comedies which has allowed us to look at how Romantic Comedies have changed and when these started being targeted at Teenagers. This means that we will be able to shoot our opening understanding when it initially started and what films were first brought out, which will help us when filming as we can always look back on some of the great original films that are still successful now.
We included an analysis of the film, Wild Child, and looked at the different code and conventions also found in this film. This allowed us to analyse what we thought is important and what we as teenagers have noticed in the opening. We chose Wild Child as it seemed very popular in our survey and was a film which was out of the ordinary in comparison to the other films, as it is of a girl who starts off very wealthy but gets forced to change her life style. The main character shows key aspects of a typical rebellious teenager who is quite spoilt.
In the documentary we also include the code and conventions found by our interviewees, this worked out very well as we not only got an insight into the code and conventions but also into our target audience. This will be a big help when trying to get the characters so that the audience can relate to them. Also it showed what code and conventions the audience pay attention to, meaning we also will need to pay attention to when incorporating them in the opening.
We also looked at what our survey found and presented it in the overall decision of what we will use in our own opening and why we chose to do so, using answers from our survey to support our decision. This will give us an overview of what our research has shown so that it will be easier to separate it from the other findings and incorporate it in our opening.
If we were given extra time we would have included more information about the code and conventions and included our own point of view on the code and conventions, however given the time we had we included a lot of the research that we have done so far and we have included some creativity of posted notes. We used posted notes to follow through on the idea that we will set our film in a school and they are commonly used by teenagers for their school and college work. This shows continuity in our whole research.
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