Saturday, 22 February 2014

Interview for Wild Child

Here is an interview of two teenage girls, they are answering a few questions about Wild Child, a very popular Teenage Romantic Comedy. They are also going through the code and conventions found, which again support the earlier findings in my primary and secondary research. This interview allowed us to get and specific insight into what our target audience found about Wild Child and what code and conventions they picked up on. This meant that we could see what sort of code and conventions they specifically pay attention to, so that we know to pay attention to each aspect highlighted.
As found in the previous interviews posted, they not only gave us detail into what they thought about the openings but it also showed us what clothes they wear, how they talk and act. This will help us when choosing the costume, the characters, the dialogue the characters use and the body language we get the character to use. By using Code and Conventions similar or the same to what the target audience also show will help them to relate to the characters, as they see that they are similar to themselves. This is a technique we will use to aim our opening at our target audience.

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