Saturday, 22 February 2014

The Premilinary Task

As part of the  Preliminary Task, we had to show continuity in both filming and editing of the situation given to us. We used a long shot to start the scene as this both introduced us to the character and the setting. We then used a Zoom in so that the audience focuses on the character rather then the setting, also the Zoom in allows to connect with the character and what the character is doing. A pan is then used, to introduce the audience to the door that the character is going to walk through. This shows continuity as the new character doesn't just appear and that the audience get an idea of where this character will be coming from. A straight cut then introduces us to a close up of a door handle. This again shows where the character is coming from and the slow introduction to the character shows she is very important to the scene.
A zoom out then allows us to have a full view of the characters back, allowing us to use match-on-action to show the exterior shot of the character opening the door and moving to the interior shot of the character walking into the room. A pan is then used to show the clear 180 degree line ready to use the 180 degree rule, this pan establishes this line and a two shot shows us both character and indicates that the two characters are similar in some way. While the two characters begin to talk a shot/reverse shot is used to show the conversation develop. This is when the character talking is on the screen while the other is off or just the back of the head is on, and then this reverses to show the response of the other character. This shows continuity of the film as it allows the scene to follow the conversation. It is ensured that only the shoulder on the right side of the 180 degree line through the  characters is used, without the line the scene could begin to get confusing for the audience. Towards the end of the conversation a two shot is used again as the characters begin to get up to go to the library.
Throughout this Preliminary Task we were able to use the cameras and get used to using the camera to show continuity in the film, the use of the 180 degree rule used is very good for showing continuity as the characters always remain on the same side as the screen and reduces confusion for the audience. The shot reverse shot is important to use so that the audience can follow the conversation continuously and feel included in the scene.

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