Tuesday, 18 March 2014

What kind of media Institutions might distribute your media product and why?

Before choosing the Institution we would use to produce and distribute our film we need to ask ourselves a few questions based on what sort of film our opening will be:
Will it be mainstream or independent?

  • Our film is very similar to films within the mainstream industry
  • It is our very first film and so we will need a big company that will absorb the losses if we were to be unsuccessful
  • therefore we will chose a mainstream company.
Which company would be best?
  • We researched many different ideas into which companies would be suitable a few were possibilities:
    • Universal
    • Disney Pictures
    • Paramount
    • Walner brothers 
  • However after looking back at our research we chose Paramount. This was partly due to it being the producer and distributor of mean girls which was found to be the most popular film in our primary research.
Now that we had what institution we were going to use we could look into paramount in more detail. After much research with the use of websites, such as Wikipedia, I put together a PowerPoint to present it all. I used Prezi to do this, which allowed a creative way of producing a PowerPoint.

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